Contact US
If you have any doubts about our service feel free to visit the About page, if you have more specific doubts about the way you will receive the Pokémon we suggest going to the FAQs page where you will find the most frequently asked questions with their respective answers.
If there are still any doubts, feel free to send us a message on our service channels, or even to know about the progress of your order.
Below you can find our communication channels and the description of the best use for each of them (to be directed to the communication platforms or the pages, just click on the words written in different colors).
1- WhatsApp (Real-time service) – This is our fastest service, and the most recommended by us for when the customer places a new order so that it will be possible for him/her to receive the response from our genner as soon as it is ready.
2- Facebook Page (Real-time service) – This is also a great way to reach us, it’s as fast as the others platforms and highly recommended by us, the difference is due to the fact that the customer needs to log in to another platform (Facebook).
3- Instagram: (Real-time service) – This is another way to contact us as good as the ones mentioned above! In this one you will also need to log in to another platform (instagram) to contact us.
4- Email – This is the most time-consuming means of communication because it is not in real-time and sometimes even problematic because when we receive emails from people outside our contacts, some of them go to the spam box and our customers do not always remember to check. But if you still don’t feel like using the other means feel free to fill out the form on the side and send us an email, either way, you will be answered as soon as possible.
We suggest that always after placing a new order send a message to our WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook Page so that when your order is ready you know immediately and we can proceed with the delivering process.